Lun au Ven: 9:00 - 17:00

Chemin Rural N°14, 91630 Marolles en Hurepoix

Safety platform ladder EMER

To enable safe working even at height, we provide a range of EMER safety platform ladder. More versatility and fall prevention for all-in-one solutions.

Our EMER safety platform ladder

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Why choose an EMER safety platform ladder

Working at height, including shelf stacking, requires safe equipment to prevent the risk of falling during handling. This equipment is called EMER (Equipement de Mise en Rayon = Shelf Stacking Equipment) and ensures safe working conditions.
We provide a wide range of equipment according to different criteria:

  • 1 to 3 steps for an ideal height
  • Protective handrails for safe working
  • 1 easy to use safety strap
  • Retractable wheels
  • Load capacity of over 100kg

Other options differ depending on the model, but we are committed to providing quality products that reduce the risk of RSI. A safety system allows the platforms to be blocked when a user climbs on them.

Which EMER safety platform ladder should I choose?

We provide different models that can be customized to your needs. Need an extra shelf? Do you want to provide more load support or are you hesitating between two models?
Our 30 years of experience and expertise allow us to help you make the best choice to improve the working conditions of your teams while contributing to their safety.

Contact Rolls Rapides to be equipped with EMER

safety platform ladder

Our different platforms are available for rental (long or short term) but also for purchase (new or second hand).
Would you prefer to go further by creating customised solutions? Our design department will be with you every step of the way, from the creation of specifications to mass production. Of course, a prototype will be created for you to test and make further suggestions for improvement before validating and launching mass production.

Do you simply want to transform your equipment by adding your company’s colours, for example? This is also possible!
All stages of creation or transformation of handling solutions are carried out from our workshops in Ile-de-France.
It is also possible to deliver in France but also in Europe.
And to guarantee the longevity of your equipment, we provide follow-up and maintenance from the first year of acquisition directly at your workshop or from our factory.
Our team is at your disposal to advise you and provide you with a personalised quote!